In Haiti, 1 in every 14 children die before reaching the age of 5.
Due to the lack of access to basic healthcare, children in Haiti get sick at a higher rate from easily preventable illnesses. Child health and nutrition has been a vital part of Project Medishare’s programs in the Central Plateau for more than 20 years.
Project Medishare is working to change this statistic through our programs in the Central Plateau. In addition to patient visits at our fixed facility clinics and mobile clinics, we also provide home visits and run in-school health and feeding programs. The school health program more than 20 schools and more than 2,500 students each year. Our team of nurses and pharmacists visit these schools and distribute Vitamin A, de-worming medication and perform general nutrition assessments.
2023 Highlights
30,740 Children Vaccinated
55,889 Children Screened for Malnutrition
106,248 Meals Served in the School Lunch Program
1358 OVC Home Visits
Orphans & Vulnerable Children
Every child deserves a safe childhood. And yet, orphans and vulnerable children in Lahoye—an impoverished, rural community near Haiti’s border—are more likely than any group to suffer from HIV, malnutrition, abuse, and exploitation. As part of an integrated approach to child health and welfare, in 2008 Project Medishare initiated the Orphans and Vulnerable Children (OVC) Program in Lahoye.
School Lunch Program
Many children in Haiti walk long distances to attend school with nothing to eat before they leave home and nothing to eat during the school day. These children are not only failing to obtain the vital nutrition their bodies need to develop properly, but they are also struggling academically- unable to concentrate or even stay awake during class.
What We Do
Our team goes to over 20 schools and provides Vitamin A and deworming medication to children, while also providing them basic checkups.
Food insecurity is a serious issue in many parts of rural Haiti. Our staff is trained and experienced in screening for malnutrition in children. In 2023 55,889 children were screened for malnutrition.
We have a dedicated team providing vaccinations to children at mobile clinics, rally posts, house to house vaccination campaigns and our clinics.
We provide educational assistance, free health services, and psychosocial support to the most vulnerable population of children in the rural communities of Lahoye.
Project Medishare serves more than 700 children a breakfast snack and hot lunch every school day.

Make An Impact.
Program Cost - $250
This donation will cover all the fees associated with enrolling one child for the year, including school tuition.
School Tuition & Supplies - $75
Your gift will cover the costs for school tuition and school supplies for one child from our OVC program.
School Supplies - $25
You can provide a set of school supplies for a child living in Lahoye - including a backpack, notebook, pencils, geometry kit and more.