Haiti has long faced a lack of educational and advanced training opportunities to develop the doctors, nurses and medical technicians needed in a sustainable health care system. Following the 2010 earthquake, this void increased due to the collapse of several of Haiti’s medical schools. Since our founding, Project Medishare has been committed to building a sustainable health care system in Haiti through a “train the trainer” model.
In collaboration with medical volunteers and university partners, we provide Haitian healthcare leaders with mentoring, didactic sessions, and on-the-job and bedside patient care training. We also provide specialized training across a variety of areas such as ultra sound training and pediatrics.

Neurosurgery Residency Program
In 2015 Project Medishare launched Haiti’s first neurosurgery training program. The goal of the four year program is to build local capacity by improving access to neurosurgical care for Haiti’s most common neurosurgical diseases: brain and spine trauma, birth defects, stroke and degenerative diseases. Created in partnership with Hospital Bernard Mevs, the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine, Nicklaus Children's Hospital, the State University of Haiti and the Haitian Ministry of Health, this fellowship is funded by Haiti Heathy Kids and relies on mentors from across North America to train the fellow.
The fellowship program recruited Dr. Yudy La Fortune in 2017 as the first fellow. Dr. La Fortune was a fully trained general surgeon at that time and will be completing his neurosurgery training in 2023, after a 6-month microsurgery rotation at the University of Montreal, at which time he will return to HBM to become faculty in the training program. We are so honored to have Dr. Yudy Lafortune become one of only three neurosurgeons in all of Haiti. Learn more about Dr. Lafortune here.
What We Do
Hospital Bernard Mevs is one of the only critical care and trauma centers in Port-au-Prince.
Medical professionals can volunteer for a week or more, caring for patients, training Haitian staff, and experiencing once-in-a-lifetime professional growth.
Groups of doctors, nurses, and medical and public health students work with our staff in the Central Plateau conducting home visits, mobile clinics and rally posts.
In a country with nearly 4 million children, Haiti only has 400 pediatricians. We’re training pediatricians to ensure children receive the care they need.
By focusing on evidence based medicine and one-on-one supervision with experienced pediatricians, Hospital Bernard Mevs and Hospital St. Damian's have joined forces, with the Ministry of Health and the University of Notre Dame of Haiti, to create a residency training program in Pediatrics. The goal of the program: To increase the number of competent pediatricians to serve the country's needs.
Ways to Support.
Make a Donation.
Support our Capacity Building programs. Help us educate and train Haitian healthcare professionals so we can build a more sustainable healthcare system in Haiti.
In-Kind Donations
If you are affiliated with a hospital or organization that would like to make a donation of medicines or medical supplies, please reach out to us!