Our community health branch is one of our most expansive, offering a number of different services in some of the country’s most remote and impoverished areas.
Project Medishare runs over 150 mobile clinics throughout the year - these are opportunities for members of our community living in remote areas to be seen by doctors and nurses and access our mobile pharmacies. At our rally posts, our staff provide vaccinations, as well as educational sessions on nutrition, family planning, hygiene and more. We also produce and distribute chlorine to treat water in order to prevent waterborne illnesses and educate our communities on how to improve health in their homes. By increasing the amount of preventive care available in rural Haiti, we are helping Haitians lead longer, healthier lives.
2023 Highlights
44,605 Home Visits
791 gallons of chlorine produced
66 Mobile Clinics
53,758 clinic consultations
Community health agents are the backbone of Project Medishare’s community health program.
They travel door-to-door, village-to-village, making it possible for thousands of people in the most remote areas to access health services. They are the first, and often only, source of health care for many rural Haitians, and help provide lifesaving care. Each health agent lives in the community they serve. They receive regular training to make sure they are equipped with the most up-to-date tools and resources to provide a high level of care. Community health agents provide immunizations and prenatal care, treat common infections, deliver preventative healthcare and education, and so much more. Many families rely on them as trusted sources of information for preventing, treating and managing health issues.
Areas of Work
We run two fixed-facility health clinics, one in Marmont and one in Lahoye. Combined, our clinics saw more than 49,000 patients in 2021. Common cases treated include scabies, gastrointestinal diseases, and wound care. Both clinics are fully Haitian-staffed and are open year-round.
Our team of trained community health agents travel door-to-door seeing patients. They are the first, and often only, source of health care for many rural Haitians, and help provide lifesaving care.
We provide health education at all possible opportunities: waiting areas to be seen, rally posts, group meetings/events, our health agents going house to house. We cover topics such as nutrition, HIV/AIDS, vaccines, hygiene and COVID-19.
Our team of trained doctors, nurses, pharmacists and medical aides travel to some of the most remote areas of the Central Plateau to run ‘pop-up’ mobile clinics. These are opportunities for Haitians living in the most rural conditions to access healthcare. Our team often has to trek through rough, unpaved roads and cross rivers to reach these areas.
We have a chlorine plant to produce and distribute chlorine throughout our communities, schools and clinics, as well as provide hygiene kits at crucial times in the communities: COVID-19, cholera outbreaks, etc.
We host rally posts to give community members the opportunity to be informed about or treated for specific health issues. These can include immunizations, hygiene education, and more.

Make an impact.
Support Haitian Staff - $100
We are very proud that all of our clinics are 100% staffed by Haitians! Your donation will support our staff salaries so they can continue to offer quality care in their communities.
Mobile Clinics - $50
Your donation will help us bring healthcare to some of the most rural areas in Haiti. Our traveling team of doctors, nurses and pharmacists are dedicated to helping these communities.
Clean Drinking Water - $25
Your donation will support our facility that produces and distributes chlorine to provide families with access to safe drinking water.