Update - January 2023
We hope your start to the year has been a productive one. We are optimistic for a wonderful 2023, filled with new opportunities.
Our mission as we enter this year remains the same: work together to continue providing quality healthcare to our Haitian brothers and sisters. Thank you for your consistent support!
Holiday Party for Orphans and Vulnerable Children
Last month, the students in our OVC program were able to enjoy a fun holiday party. Due to schools being closed for several months, many of the students had not seen each other, so the opportunity to spend time together with their friends was especially appreciated.
Students participated in games, performed skits, dances and a talent show and received a special snack.
Opportunities like these are not common for students in rural Haiti, as many schools in these areas can’t afford to host social events. We are thrilled our OVC kids were able to celebrate the holiday season together.
School Lunch Program
As schools in Haiti open back up after being closed for numerous months, our team is busy preparing to re-open our school lunch program.
Thank you to everyone that donated to our end of year campaign, allowing us to reach our goal of $100,000. Your immense generosity will enable us to continue providing nutritious breakfast and lunch to children in rural Haiti.