Safer Deliveries for Moms in Haiti
The conditions surrounding the birth of Shaladol’s son were drastically different than when she gave birth to her daughter more than a decade ago. Then, she gave birth at home with the aid of a matron, a traditional birth attendant. There was neither a maternity center in Marmont nor a health facility near her home in Lahoye where she could receive basic prenatal care. Now, thanks to Project Medishare’s growing maternal health program, Shaladol not only received prenatal care at our clinic in Lahoye, when she went into labor around 1:00 am, we provided emergency transportation to our maternity center in Marmont. Without that service, Shaladol would have had to pay US$8.50 to hire a car for the 45-minute drive to the maternity center. Instead, she was able to save that money and use it to support her family.